Altos Web Solutions, inc. – 5725 Bravo Ave, Reno, NV 89506 USA

Sustainability Purposes

Carbon become our next KPI

Carbon is an emerging metric that is becoming relevant to both these organizations, and it can be a bit more challenging to measure and analyze than spending or data storage.
Carbon is the catch-all term for greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon monoxide.
There is a robust and important debate about what degree of response this impact on the planet requires. Outside this fracas, many companies are striving to reduce their emissions, hopefully for the good of humanity.
While there are important and fraught questions around carbon reduction, we already had carbon reduction added to our agenda.
In this context ESG – or Environmental, Social and
Governance – standards metrics are relatively new to the financial scene but are driving how companies set their strategies and how the external market values a company. Formal ESG metrics and guidelines are pushing more companies to adopt carbon reduction as a metric.
IT leaders may also be tasked with “instrumenting” the company, or selecting, implementing and maintaining tools that track carbon emissions, just as financial systems track debits and credits.

You’ll frequently hear scope mentioned when discussing carbon emissions, which is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. While somewhat complex, the protocol defines three scopes for carbon emissions that essentially range from what’s in the company’s immediate control to what’s further outside the company’s management, then adds a layer of upstream activities and downstream activities.

We, at AWS, ore more focalized on “Scope 3” emissions are more challenging to track, as they include activities outside the company’s control. Scope 3 covers upstream activities like business travel and emissions from leased equipment like end-user laptops and phones as well as the downstream emissions resulting from disposing of those assets.


AWS has identified reasonable objectives and some strategies to achieve them to contribute to the improvement of people’s lifestyle and the preservation of the planet for future generations.

The objectives were inspired by two documents ratified by the United Nations:
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Paris, December 1948
Download udhr_booklet_en_web.pdf

Specifically on the following articles: 2, 6, 12, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27.
In particular, AWS will strive to increase the internal social value: fair relationship with employees and collaborators aimed at rewarding those who have produced the most and best independent of social, cultural and ethnic differences.

All employees will be offered benefits for professional improvement and continuous education with great attention to the work environment and personal needs of each employee, avoiding economic inequalities with equal opportunities without distinction of sex, origin, age, religion.

• 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (New York 2015 September 25th-27th)

With particular reference to the objectives
• Goal No. 2: Waste Less food
• Goal No. 5: Gender Equality
• Goal No. 6: Avoid Wasting Water
• Goal No. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
• Goal No. 8: Create Job Opportunities for Youth
• Goal No. 9: Industry Innovation & Infrastructure
• Goal No. 11: Walk or Use Public Transportation
• Goal No. 12: Recycle Paper, Plastic, Glass, Aluminium
• Goal No. 13: Climate Action
• Goal No. 14: Life Below Water
AWS will do something and at the end of the fiscal year will declare what it will be able to do by highlighting the KPIs used.

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by admin