Altos Web Solutions, inc. – 5725 Bravo Ave, Reno, NV 89506 USA

Lead Funneling


Lead Funneling


Learn a Trade for a Rainy Day!

Below you see just some of the sub-categories of digital marketing.
All of these, and all the others that aren’t there, might not even be enough to convince a lead to buy. So how do we get out of it?

Given that some of these specializations are so exasperatedly crazy then we think that common sense is the discriminating factor for hitting the objectives even if it is essential to have acquired absolute mastery of the branches of digital marketing to know how to dose the perfect cocktail.

First of all, it is necessary to define the life cycle of a lead: from its birth (lead Generation) to its extinction: opportunity won, opportunity lost.

The first part of this process is under the marketing manager. The passing of the baton to the sales office occurs when the lead scoring reaches the SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) value. This moment is easily identified by a formula that takes into account the activities carried out by the lead, their sequence, and their temporal distribution.

In some cases, marketing management and sales management are virtualized and automated. But extremely creative solutions can be found whose MIX is the key to hitting the budget.

In this web page you will find only the services managed by marketing with competence and of which we are able to monitor the progress of the most significant KPIs.

If you are looking for the services in charge of the sales department, go to the Web Monetization link

Commercial Offer

AWS Business Model

The lead funneling techniques are defined when the goals are totally clear, and the business model will be the natural conseguence. 
This agreement is commensurate with the autonomy that the customer wants to have.
Its autonomy arises from the level of its competence, from the urgency, from the degree of assumption of business risks, from the investment capacity. In short, how strategic this product is for the customer’s company.

All these factors converge in an overall budget that will contain three macro spending groups: a) some need to be anticipated, b) others upon reaching the milestones, others upon reaching the final objectives.

The roles that we are willing to assume are essentially three:

  • Sharing Goals: We call this business model JVCA, Joint-Venture Contract Agreement. It is an evolution of performance services but more collaborative because the final and intermediate objectives (milestones) are shared in the proportion agreed with the customer based on how much business risk they are willing to assume. By business risk we mean the guarantee of ROI, return on investment.
  • Who is given the role of project management and how much it affects in proportion to expenses. In practical terms, the markup on the costs of managed resources.
  • Out-of-pocket costs of resources. In the term resources we include platforms, tools, human resources, and service providers. Some of these items are available within our organization and others will need to be sourced on the market.
What We will do for You

In this group of services, our experience is not totally  enough to be autonomous and we need to fine partners and providers that have top level preparation.
To win the competition in a global market means that your competence must be positioned in the top level position. If not, nothing to do.

In this scenario our role is to find the best player valid for the customer and to be able to canalize his effort to stay in the best compromise time/cost/quality/target.

Therefore, our costs will be transparent as the supplier. extremely convenient for you because we want to acknowledge the

To avoid some confict of competences we will assume the position of joint venture partner or the supplier. But not both, of course for each goal and needs.

In the read map, we distinguish two distinct moments to each of which a distinct offer is applicable

we consider the underlying commitments

  • identify the providers with the lowest cost effective
  • define the characteristics of the service
  • define the performance KPIs
  • identify the scalable architecture for at least 2 years
  • build the template library
  • define the deadline calendar
  • build the component library
  • set the versioning logic of each email and each landing page in order to manage A / B testing and multivariate testing

Performing the solution
During this working progress, our role is to be focused on each milestone respicting the projected budget.

At the achieved goal
Our role is to check the deviance between the projected budget and the final.

At the Maintenance turning point
We will give support to whom will take care maintain efficent the service as well the coaching.

Platform for Experience Manager

AWS Business Model

There are specific platforms for each specific service. They will be suggested service by service.

However, there are platforms that handle all aspects of digital marketing that are quite expensive.
In this area we point out,

Product Marketing


This is the First Step

I The first step is to conduct a very quick market analysis. In this type of investigation, the evaluation of the competition is also foreseen. Some Internet agencies offer it at an affordable cost and in real time.
Based on the results obtained, it is possible to define a strategy for the development of the new product.
You need to continue with these steps

Preliminary considerations
Goals and alignment.
internal capabilities.
Human resources.
Optimal timing

The demographic data of the website helps us to improve the marketing strategy.

You need to know your audience to speak their language and thus influence their perception.

Now it is necessary
Expand the range of collaboration partners
Check your media partners to estimate their potential reach
Identifying techniques to drive more traffic to your website: winning the traffic race
you should also optimize your website for alternative search engines to Google

We need to work on the contents because they play a fundamental role. This is called inbound marketing and is developed on these routes

Interactive: quizzes, tests, games, surveys
Videos: tutorials, live events, interviews
PDFs: manuals, white papers, templates, checklists
Text: blogs, research, studies, news, articles
Visual: infographics, slide presentations

USP, Unique Selling Proposition

How important is the USP, Unique Selling Proposition?

The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition

Why it needs

Get your USP wrong, and everything is an uphill challenge. Get it right, and marketing becomes easier.

Benefits of a Strong USP

  • You become the obvious choice. A strong, crystal clear USP helps clients to identify you as the right designer, copywriter, etc.
  • It puts you in the driver’s seat, not the client. Clients will be more willing to follow your procedures when they clearly understand what they will get from you. You will deliver on your promise, provided the client does what you tell him or her to do. For example, completing the brief, paying the deposition, etc.
  • Happier clients. A strong, crystal clear USP pulls in clients better tailored to your skills.
  • A strong USP pulls in new clients. Clients line up. When you are someone worth talking about, referrals are plenty.
  • More bang for your marketing dollars. A strong USP is a key part of marketing that works. It makes it pull in more business for less cost.
  • Higher win ratio. A strong USP makes potential clients to buy from you, not the competition.
  • Less prospecting. When your marketing works, there is less need for chasing prospects, cold calling, etc.
  • Higher prices. A strong USP reduces the client’s perceived risk. Less risk makes a low price less important.

Three Requirements for a Strong USP

  1. It Is a Bold, Crystal Clear Promise
  2. It’s a Unique Promise
  3. It’s a Promise Strong Enough to PULL in New Clients

Buyer Persona

Who is the Buyer Persona of your product?

Below a tempalte provided by

KPI & Metrics

How to measure the Distance from our Goals

The number and the type of KPIs are depending of goals.
In any case the KPIS number ranges from 8 to 40.
Below the list of 37 KPIs…

new leads/prospects, Marketing qualified leads (MQL), Sales-accepted leads (SAL), Sales qualified leads (SQL), Cost-per-lead generated, Cost per conversion, Average time of conversion, Attrition rate, Net promoter score, Monthly website traffic, Returning vs. new visitors, Visits per channel, Average time on page, Website conversion rate, The conversion rate for call-to-action content, Click-through rate (CTR) on web pages, Pages per visit, Inbound links to a website, Traffic from organic search, New leads from organic search, Conversions from organic search, Page authority, Google PageRank, Keywords in the top 10 SERP, Rank increase of target keywords, Conversion rate per keyword, Number of unique keywords that drive traffic, The volume of traffic from video content, Leads & conversions from paid advertising, Cost per acquisition (CPA) & cost per conversion, Click-through rate on PPC advertising, Traffic from social media, Leads and conversions from social media, Conversion rate, Managed audience size, Engagement rate, Mentions, Social media ROI.

How to calculate ROI

What it is and how to manage it

The basic ROI calculation is:
ROI = (Net Profit/Total Cost)*100
Of course, the parameters are depending of the KPIs you decided to monitor and about your detailed goals

Marketing Analysis

What is a Digital Marketing Analysis?


A digital marketing analysis researches and evaluates your business, audience, and competitors to build a custom, data-driven digital marketing plan for your company. Using an online marketing analysis, your company can deliver an Internet marketing strategy that speaks to your audience — and converts them.

What does a digital marketing analysis include?

In most cases, a digital marketing analysis will include the following steps:

  • Reviewing your company’s current marketing strategy, goals, and audience personas
  • Investigating your competitors’ marketing strategy and target audience
  • Researching your target audience’s online behavior, wants, and language
  • Rebuilding your marketing strategy based on your findings

What do digital marketing analysis services include?

  • Business review
  • Competitor analysis
  • Target persona research
  • Updating your target buyer persona
  • Determining your most valuable marketing strategies
  • Building your digital marketing plan

Why invest in digital marketing analysis?

  • Build a strategy with data, not hunches
  • Get actionable insight into your audience
  • Earn a better ROI from digital marketing


Which are the Best Players?

Lead Generation


What’s the Lead Generation?

In marketing, lead generation is the initiation of consumer interest or enquiry into products or services of a business. A lead is the contact information and in some cases, demographic information of a customer who is interested in a specific product or service.

The first question is “What is the Lead?”

A lead is a person who has expressed his interest in our service by providing us with information on a) his name/nickname, b) e-mail, c) his company name, c) in which sector his company operates and finally d) our product of which he is interested in knowing more details.

The second question is “What is the Lead Gen?”

The lead generation is the process of attracting as many “buyer persona” as possible.

The third question is “How and why can we create the “buyer persona”?

A buyer persona is an abstract representation of the ideal customer, whose name, history, demographic information, motivations, anxieties, goals, position, industry, size, turnover, type of B2B/B2C market, objectives, who influences purchases, which factors influence the purchase.

It would be desirable for this information to come from accurate market research.

Comparing the information of the buyer persona with the lead allows us to measure the probability that the lead can become a customer and consciously decide which investments have a high possibility of ROI.

How can you gather the benefits of Lead Generation?
Leads don’t come from nowhere. They’re everywhere in the digital space, but you need to have a connection if you want to capture them. For this it is necessary to have a lead gen strategy to identify the best channels to capture them.


Lead Gen Strategy

Different business models require different lead generation strategies. The first major distinction concerns the market: B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer, a company that sells directly to individuals).

When a company prepares to purchase a new service, decision making is usually left to the managers. Therefore, the purchase goes through many approvals and evaluations by different people before being made. If you sell to other organizations, your audience is not only the end customer, but also everyone involved in the decision-making process.
That’s why the B2B sales cycle is usually longer.
Conversely, B2C buying is often an individual process and can be done more impulsively and without the bureaucracy
If you’re interested in buying sneakers, for example, you probably make the decision about it, right? You don’t need to consult other people. Therefore, the B2C lead generation strategy already focuses more on the final purchase decision than on convincing more people of the value of a solution.
Lead generation studies strategies to attract visitors to become leads. This is possible through content marketing and inbound marketing strategies.
That is, your site must offer materials that convince the visitor to confess her needs to you.
Then how this lead can become a qualified lead and at that moment the marketing dept can pass the lead to the sales department, is part of the lead nurturing strategy.

To stay on the subject of lead generation, the website must offer materials that help the customer navigate the jungle of offers and grow your company’s reputation. For example: 

  • webinars
  • ebooks
  • infographic
  • Product demonstrations
  • Subscription to the Newsletter
  • templates
  • survey report
  • interactive tools
  • free trials
  • courses
  • access to gated communities
  • blogs
  • website pages
  • social media
  • email marketing
  • paid supports
  • public relations
  • topic of study
  • useful documentation

The mechanics of lead generation
Lead generation studies strategies to attract visitors to become leads. This is possible through content marketing and inbound marketing strategies.
That is, your site must offer materials that convince the visitor to confess her needs to you.
Then how this lead can become a qualified lead and at that moment the marketing dept can pass the lead to the sales department, is part of the lead nurturing strategy.

To stay on the subject of lead generation, the website must offer materials that help the customer navigate the jungle of offers and grow your company’s reputation. For example:

  • webinars
  • ebooks
  • infographic
  • Product demonstrations
  • Subscription to the Newsletter
  • templates
  • survey report
  • interactive tools
  • free trials
  • courses
  • access to gated communities
  • blogs
  • website pages
  • social media
  • email marketing
  • paid supports
  • public relations
  • topic of study
  • useful documentation

The mechanics of lead generation 

  • CTA (Call to Action)
  • Landing page

The shapes

  • marketing automations
  • interactive content tool

How to measure the effect

  • Main score CTA (Call to Action)
  • Landing page
How can you convert a Visitor in Lead?

Having built a relationship with the few leads who may be ready to buy your products forces you to nurture them, expecting that, when they are ready to buy, your company will be the first fit in their minds.

Create a compelling offer
To attract people that might be interested in doing business with you, you must show and offer something interesting to them. But even if the offer is very good, they might be suspicious because they don’t know you that well.
The secret to success here is to structure a strategy that will help you build positive relationships, and then think about doing business.


What can the best WordPress Plugin do?
Which are the best players?

Lead Nurturing


What’s the Lead Nurturing?
Lead nurturing is the process of developing and reinforcing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel. A successful lead nurturing program focuses marketing and communication efforts on listening to the needs of prospects and providing the information and answers they need to: Build trust.
What Activities Should you Pursue to Convert Leads?
Lead nurturing does not consider email marketing exclusively, however email marketing activities are in the first place for a good lead nurturing. In this regard, we propose a very comprehensive post that offers an effective overview of lead nurturing done via email. It is available for free on
Is the Testing Software useful?


Is the lead scoring the best KPI?

Lead scoring is a methodology used to rank prospects against a scale that represents the perceived value each lead represents to the organization. The resulting score is used to determine which leads a receiving function will engage, in order of priority.

In the Basket

Advocate Marketing

What’s the Advocate Marketing?
Customer advocacy is the act of building and nurturing relationships with loyal customers, who then act as spokespeople and champions for your brand, products, or services. This process starts by identifying who those loyal customers are
Which are the Best Players?
Which Benefits can you achieve?
  • Word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20% to 50% of all purchasing decisions. (McKinsey)
  • 63% of consumers search for help from other customers online. (Lithium)
  • Brand advocates are 70% more likely to be seen as a good source of information by people around them. (BzzAgent)

Advocates are not just satisfied customers. They are enthusiasts who embrace your company’s vision and willingly advance your interests through their interactions with others. Whether by sharing experiences online, referring new business or recommending your products, these supporters have an enormous – but sometimes unseen – influence on your brand, demand generation and pipeline efforts.

Affiliate Marketing

What’s the Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement in which affiliates receive a commission for each visit, signup or sale they generate for a merchant. This arrangement allows businesses to outsource part of the sales process.

Which are the Best Players?

Affiliate Marketing Websites
Benefits of Affiliate Networks
FAQs About Affiliate Marketing Platforms
List of the Top Affiliate Networks Comparison of Top Affiliate Marketing Networks

  1. Amazon Associates
  2. CJ
  3. com
  4. Avangate
  5. Awin
  6. PartnerStack
  7. ShareASale
  8. Tapfiliate
  9. ClickBank
  10. FlexOffers
Which Benefits can you achieve?

What if you could make money at any time, from anywhere — even while you sleep?
Affiliate marketing is a great way to drive sales and generate significant online revenue. Extremely beneficial to both brands and affiliate marketers, the new push toward less traditional marketing tactics has certainly paid off.
In fact, affiliate marketing spend in the United States increased from $5.4 billion in 2017 to $8.2 billion in 2022 — which means there’s plenty of room for those looking to get a piece of the pie.

Buzz Marketing

What’s the Buzz Marketing?

Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a campaign or product. These strategies can spur conversations among consumers’ family and friends or larger-scale discussions on social media platforms. By getting consumers talking about their products and services, companies that employ buzz marketing hope to grow awareness through more online traffic and increase sales and profits.

Which are the best players?

See this free ebook from
ISBN 978-3-642-02108-4 e-ISBN 978-3-642-02109-1
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02109-1
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York
Library of Congress Control Number: 2009928097
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved

Which Benefits can you achieve?

What is the Difference Between Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing (Word-of-mouth Marketing)?

Buzz Marketing is part of word-of-mouth marketing and overlaps with viral marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing refers to general referral marketing that can take place online and offline. It is a powerful marketing tool that turns convinced consumers into brand ambassadors, which is why the product recommendations have an above-average authentic character. Viral marketing aims at a high distribution of entertaining and original content; Here, however, the focus is on the advertising material, not the product recommendation.

Buzz Marketing, on the other hand, primarily relies on the positive review and recommendation of products. This type of word of mouth can be used offline among friends and acquaintances, but also at the bus stop or in the supermarket. Buzz Marketing unfolds its effect online through communication in forums, blogs, or social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

In order to take advantage of this type of marketing, so-called “buzz agents” are hired by companies. These private individuals are selected based on their place of residence or their interests and receive precise information on the target group. You work free of charge and have an independent opinion. In order to make the desired product or company public, the buzz agents spontaneously involve people from their circle of friends or, for example, those waiting at a bus stop in a seemingly innocuous conversation about the product to be advertised. He gives the impression that he is acting as a private person and consumer and has a real interest in the product.

Data Driven

What’s the Data Driven?

We like the definition of

“Data will define the future of marketing—arming us all with
powerful, actionable insights.
With every marketer being an analyst in their own right. The
skill will be balancing that with creativity. So that the analytics don’t outweigh the idea, but amplify it into something more effective. It’ll be a fine line to walk, but the truly imaginative, data-driven professionals, will be the master marketers of tomorrow.”

Your decision may be taken from some data. i.e

  • Social media
  • Owned data (CRM, sales, customer service)
  • Business impact metrics
  • Website analytics
  • Broadcast and print mentions
  • Online mentions
  • Product reviews
  • Consumer analysis
  • Marketing KPIs

You may answer to such question like below

  • Is your marketing strategy addressing their pain-points?
  • Are your competitors engaging consumers more efficiently?

How is your brand perceived in your marketplace?

What can we do for you?

We love data! We love Excel!

We have an expertise on CRM, integrating it with GDPR, Mail marketing, Websites, web analitics and other alien databases.

Then we can sew reports showing the trend and the paramaters to take into account for the most effective decision.

Email Marketing


What’s the email Marketing

Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations


Consistent Benefits of Email Marketing

See the document
That encourages the use of mail marketing by identifying the keys to success (page 42 of the document).

We also believe that email marketing campaigns can give lead nurturing a great boost. Not to be confused with lead generation, which some companies have done by ruining their reputation by declassifying this type of marketing.

Critical Success Factors

How important is the format of the email when we want it to be perceived in the same way on a mobile phone or on a desktop that is practically double the width?

Did you know that it is necessary to stay in a ratio of 70% text and 30% image to prevent emails from being filtered by antispam systems
And this is not the only constraint!

Call to action
It is the most important button of the email because in the hope that this button is pressed an email marketing campaign is launched. It is in fact one of the most important KPIs for measuring the goodness of the campaign.
What do you need to watch out for with this button?

Which typefaces to use so that they are definitely available on the target device?
What kind of typefaces have better readability?
What perceptions are triggered by one typeface rather than another?
Does it make sense to use an emulation service of the possible and most common arrival devices?

Not all devices behave the same for the same HTML and CSS.

Responsive design
Litmus is a web service that allows you to emulate hundreds of arrival devices and therefore it is possible to test only those few that represent 90% of the global audience.
However, 90% of today is not represented by the same devices in 6 months!

It is necessary to create a mosaic of bookcases to be used over time to make the message and the brand new and yet always solidly linked to the characteristics of the brand and the original design.
Monitoring which template has the most appeal is another challenge that requires A/B testing and multivariate testing techniques

Interactivity is based on three aspects: being able to modify the information inside an email in real time, being able to send information from an email, and being able to show content dynamically.
In 2019, Google announced the launch of AMP for email, an open-source technology to add interactivity into campaigns. Using the example email from Doodle below, we can see that this technology allows the user to select a time slot for a meeting without leaving the email. Given that it was abandoned by Microsoft and that email routers have to modify their systems to be able to send messages in AMP.
Many email designers are wondering whether this technology will really be used more widely.

Email Marketing Calendar
Planning a campaign also requires calendar control.
Attached is an example produced by mailjet. But every email marketer has to create their own calendar

The basics of deliverability could be learned from an attached document produced by mailjet. It is from 2021 which in practice is an old generation but sufficient to have an overview on the subject.


What Risks do you Have to Watch out for?

The risks of blacklisting the domain and the IPs used by the campaigns are very high. This reverberates the consequences on the continuation of the campaigns, reducing more and more the users who will be able to receive the email campaigns.

We believe that doing unprofessional campaigns is a risk that should not be underestimated.

The risks of blacklisting the domain and the IPs used by the campaigns are very high. This reverberates the consequences on the continuation of the campaigns, reducing more and more the users who will be able to receive the email campaigns.

See the document That encourages the use of mail marketing by identifying the keys to success (page 42 of the document).
It is a Research report produced by the collaboration between together with the specialized expertise of and
It is evident that the success of a simple email marketing campaign is a set of different specialized skills that are not easy in a single provider. This must make us think!


The KPI: Email Scoring

We have taken into consideration one of the many documents offered by the market produced by a company other than those mentioned elsewhere in this roundup:

Published and downloadable from the site
It is not specific to mail marketing but opens up general knowledge on issues related to emails.

We also selected a template used by the Hubspot CRM that is surely an authority in the sector

Supply Market

Platform/ Provider
  • Which platform to choose for sending emails?
  • What features must be available?
  • What are the decision parameters? 

It is necessary to make a  digression on the possibilities offered by the market.

We believe it is right to use primary providers in the sector but without leaving them total autonomy.

The supply market
There are thousands of email marketing platforms sold with the most creative business models.
We would like to divide, for simplicity, the market into three bands based on cost (therefore not based on performance and goodness):

  • Low end. Plug-in within WordPress. Some are functional for most small-volume-sending needs. They do not cover the entire lead life cycle. Usually, every function requires the purchase of an ultrriore plugIn. In this range we include
  • Mid-range: use of various highly specialized platforms made available by sector specialists. The choice starts from solutions (freeware) to rather expensive niche solutions. In this range we include
  • High-end: module specialized in CRMs. Among this we have

The most popular players are

our favorite architectures are a) within a CRM b) within the website.
In both cases, the CRM and the website must remain integrated and synchronized.
The choice between the CRM-based solution and the website-based one depends on your budget.
For larger budgets, CRM remains the best solution because all the information is concentrated in a single platform that can manage everything.

When the CRM is missing, then you can fall back on the CMS plug-in solution (we prefer WodPress). The solution that we decidedly reject is a dedicated mail marketing platform both in the SaaS version and in the version installed on company servers. So MailChimp would not adopt it.

Focus Point

Deliverability definition

Email deliverability is defined as the measurement and understanding of how successful a sender is at getting their marketing email into people’s inboxes.

Here are a few things to keep in mind (for more tips, check out our post on improving email deliverability):

  • Maintain list hygiene
  • Keep an eye on inactive subscribers
  • Send using custom authentication
  • Using double rather than single opt-in
  • Make it really easy to unsubscribe
  • Avoid using URL shorteners
SMTP Services

Why Do You Need SMTP Services?
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the industry standard for sending electronic messages or emails. It uses proper authentication, which increases the chances of your emails being delivered properly.

What Is an SMTP Server?
An SMTP server is dedicated to sending and receiving large quantities of emails. Learn more about SMTP servers and their impact on email marketing here.

Why companies must use SMTP for their market?
While an average individual may send a few emails daily, enterprises need to send hundreds of emails every day to their customers. Hence, free email services like Gmail or Yahoo cannot handle these many emails, which is where the need for a private SMTP server arises.

8 Best SMTP Services


What is a responsive email? 
A responsive email is a newsletter that has special coding that allows it to display perfectly across different devices. For example, without making use of responsive emails, the same newsletter that shows up perfectly on a PC monitor can look garbled and poorly crafted on a mobile device.

With responsive emails, your newsletter content will display seamlessly across the vast breadth of mobile devices, ranging from tablets to iPhones. Responsive emails work by setting up two layers of CSS code. One layer takes care of desktop display, which you would use for emails going out to clients who use Outlook. The other CSS layer is where the magic happens. On the second layer, additional code is used to make the email show up properly on mobile devices.

With the two CSS layers, your newsletters will be responsive, which will allow them to show up crisp and clear, whether your recipients open them on a PC or a smartphone.

The easiest way to implement this is to use responsive email templates. These templates are mobile-responsive and ready to go.


Mobile simulator – responsive testing tool

Below a list of martphones and tablets simulator on computer. 

  • 16 models of Android smartphones:
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Huawei P30 PRO (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Google Pixel 5 (CSS resolution 393px)
  • Oneplus Nord 2 (CSS resolution 412px)
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 (CSS resolution 360px)
  • OPPO Find X3 PRO (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Samsung Galaxy A12 (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Google Pixel 6 PRO (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Xiaomi 12 (CSS resolution 360px)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra (CSS resolution 412px)

5 Free Mobile Emulators you should try for your splash page URL


Preference Center

What is a Preference Centre?
A Preference Centre refers to a form which allows email recipients to choose the emails and communications that a brand sends to them.

This could include different categories of email, the frequency that they receive these emails, the channels, and whether they want to opt out.

It is also a space where the recipient can keep their details up to date, such as their name, email address, and even birthday.


CRM integration

Using CRM and email marketing tools together can help you create targeted, personalized campaigns.
Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps your business organize and optimize relationships with your existing and potential customers.
Email marketing and CRM platforms can be used together to organize contacts, automate campaigns, and store customer data.

Which CRM functions benefit mail marketing?
As a marketer, it is vital that you incorporate both CRM and email marketing into your overall marketing strategy. Together, they provide valuable knowledge, resources, and tools for getting your content and message out to the right audiences having a central data hub about leads and customers, delivering personalized content, and the ability to easily track customer engagement.

  • Contact management
  • Sales management
  • Agent productivity
  • Lead management
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Pipeline management
  • Workflow automation

Why are email and CRM important for marketers?
Email marketing is a mainstay of the marketing world, despite rumors that it would be shouldered out by social media marketing. The email marketing industry has steadily grown, and it is estimated that there will be 4.3 billion global email users by 2023. CRM is also experiencing significant growth, taking the top spot as the largest software market in the world.


Website integration

Email marketing and websites are both integral parts of your marketing campaign 

What are the benefits of email marketing and website integration?

  • analytics become a whole lot easier when everything is coming from one place.
  • can make the whole process easier, plus it can have major benefits as well.
  • collect whatever information you want without having to collect information from your website, export the data, and import it to your email marketing software. It saves you time and effort, and the opportunity cost for the amount of efficiency that comes with it is definitely worth it.
  • looks a lot more professional when people are navigating around your campaigns and everything has the same URL, branding, and strategy.
  • if your website and your email marketing campaign don’t support one another, they will not be successful.
  • Integrating your CRM from your website with your email marketing software is also huge for being able to run an effective marketing campaign. This allows you to seamlessly collect visitors’ information and send them newsletters, advertisements, discount information, and virtually anything else via email without having to do really any manual work at all.
Landing page

A landing page is a webpage designed to persuade users to take one specific action. For example, having users sign up for a newsletter, purchase a product, or RSVP for an event. 

Like your homepage, landing pages are often the first experience visitors have with your website. But homepages and landing pages serve different purposes.

Homepages contain general information about your company. They’re a gateway to other pages on your site where the visitor can learn more.

Landing pages, on the other hand, are standalone pages focused on driving conversions.

In other words, landing pages are where you turn visitors into leads and customers.

To make your Landing page work

  • How to Create a Landing Page
  • Hero Image
  • Headline and Subheading
  • Supporting Copy
  • Forms
  • Call To Action
  • Optimizing Your Landing Page for Search


Email list hygiene

What is it and why is it important? 
Email hygiene entails cleaning out inactive (cold) email subscribers from your future email marketing campaigns and keeping your remaining list warm with healthy email sending habits. Performing email hygiene regularly will ensure you are only emailing the people who truly want your messages—which also helps you avoid your email being marked as spam.

  • You can have the following benefits
  • real Engagement level
  • Email list cleaning means who really wants your message
  • Re-engaging a cold email list
  • grow your client base for the long haul
Why categorize the email type?

Why Separate email? 
Only for better deliverability!

Categorization of emails according to GDPR compliance

There are only two categories

  • Transactional emails (mostly those that are triggered by user-app interactions):
    • User account emails: Welcome emails, Confirm subscription (aka double opt-in emails), Password reset, Privacy Policy update, Account security alert, Free trial ending, Subscription cancellation/renewal
    • Billing-related emails: Invoice emails, Receipt emails, Dunning emails, Refund emails, Payment method emails
    • Notification emails: Invitation emails, Message/comment received emails, Event-reminder emails
    • Emails on orders and purchases: Shopping cart abandonment emails, Order confirmation/cancellation emails, Shipping confirmation emails, Delivery confirmation emails, Customer feedback emails
  • Marketing emails (those that promote something)
    • Newsletters, Standalone or dedicated emails, Lead nurturing emails, Product announcement emails, Survey emails aka customer development emails, Sponsorship emails

What does it mean to separate marketing and transactional email?
Gmail officially suggests that “if you send both promotional mail and transactional mail relating to your organization, we recommend separating mail by purpose as much as possible.”

Separating email types means you make sure your marketing emails come from one source and your transactional from another. Ideally, you’d have two separate sending infrastructures that include a unique IP address and subdomain. You wouldn’t want to take it as far as two entirely different domains since it could look like a phishing or spoofing attempt.


Supply market

It is a Research report produced by the collaboration between   together with the specialized expertise of and

It is evident that the success of a simple email marketing campaign is a set of different specialized skills that are not easy in a single provider.

WordPress PlugIN


Our Point of View

We believe that doing unprofessional campaigns is a risk that should not be underestimated.
We also believe that email marketing campaigns can give lead nurturing a great boost. Not to be confused with lead generation, which some companies have done by ruining their reputation by declassifying this type of marketing.
We believe it is right to use primary providers in the sector but without leaving them total autonomy.

So, in our opinion the key to success is the competence, the responsibility of the marketer who must be able to select the best partners considering the price, the architecture, the distribution of the activities. The marketer must be able to measure performance and identify areas for improvement and how to intervene.

Our expertise
We have developed a proprietary mail marketing platform from 2008 until its third generation of 2019. This cloud platform has allowed us to offer a Pay Per Use service with the possibility of small customizations.
We left this sector when the investments necessary to maintain the performance level in the segment of our reference market had become unsustainable compared to our market share.
However, even today some customers continue to use it as evidence that the site ema, despite everything, is still competitive on the market!

So, we believe we are seen as a helpful partner in achieving your goals both in the start-up phase: budgeting, organization, choice of providers, architecture, infrastructure, platforms and when the service has entered the operational routine with coaching activities, interpretation of KPIs to keep the bar straight in the right direction of the route without breaking the budget and rigidity on ROI and financial sustainability.

Event Marketing

What’s the Event Marketing?

Event marketing is the experiential marketing of a brand, service, or product through memorable experiences or promotional events. It typically involves direct interaction with a brand’s representatives. It should not be confused with event management, which is a process of organizing, promoting and conducting events.

What is the best road map?

STEP 1: Set Your Goals
Before you can research and create your event persona, you need to set some goals for the event; is it a customer appreciation event, a lead generation event, or a brand awareness event? Answering these questions will help you identify:

  • Who are the right people to invite
  • Who are the right people to speak at it
  • What is the most valuable content we can create for these people

STEP 2: Research and Create Your Event Personas
Personas are not very difficult to put together. You just need to ask the right questions to the right people, and present that information in a meaningful way so that everyone involved in your event marketing knows exactly who
they’re speaking to, what their challenges are, why they would want to attend, and where to reach those people.

Step 3 Driving registrations
Getting Your Persona to the Event
Content to Get Your Event Discovered

Step 4 Optimising the registration process

  1. Refund Policy: If your event includes paid tickets, include a refund policy.
  2. Event-Specific FAQs:
  3. Contact Information:
  4. Confirmation & Reminder Emails
  5. Ticket Descriptions

Step 5 Driving engagement through social

  1. Pick a catchy hashtag.
  2. Tell everyone what the hashtag is.
  3. Provide real-time updates.
  4. Display the tweet stream.
  5. Provide a place to take pictures.

Step 6 Post-event awareness

  1. Recap articles
  2. Highlight videos.
  3. SlideShare
  4. Pictures on social media

Step 7 How to measure your trade show marketing

  1. new customers
  2. new leads
  3. direct traffic & organic search
  4. social media reach

Step 8 ROI

  1. Budget-projected, Budget-Actual, Budget Comparison
  2. ROI at 1 month, at 2 months, at 3 months
Which benefits can you achieve?
Inbound marketing is probably the most powerful strategy at your disposal right now, helping you cut through the noise and get discovered by your target audience. So how do you take advantage of that and make inbound marketing work for your event?

Customer base

When can you use not-your own lead list?
Lead lists should not be bought because they are ancient to the GDPR and anti-spam systems are very advanced therefore the IP address from which the emails start will almost certainly and immediately enter the blacklists. The lead lists that can be used are those provided by the trade fair organizations in which you have participated. And in this case the first email must be sent by those who have collected the consent on privacy, precisely the trade fair organizations. It is important to reiterate that only those who have collected the consent on privacy can send emails. At the most it can promote your service.

Marketing Automation

What’s the Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation refers to software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online and automate repetitive tasks.

Which are the best players?

We used for some years and we customized it deeply according with their business model.
But you can see the top (most expensive players) below and their functionalities you can find also inside Mautic.

Which benefits can you achieve?

According to

See the below charts

The major benefits are when Integrating Marketing Automation with CRM. 

Here are four ways your organization can benefit from integrating marketing automation with CRM:

  1. Sales and marketing alignment.
  2. Simplified sales process.
  3. Enhanced personalization.
  4. Improved relationships.

Mobile Marketing

What’s the Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel online marketing technique focused at reaching a specific audience on their smartphones, feature phones, tablets, or any other related devices through websites, e-mail, SMS and MMS, social media, or mobile applications.

Which are the best players?

Splitting into SMS (text) marketing

Which benefits can you achieve?

We live in a world where 90% of consumers read emails on their mobile devices so it’s imperative to optimize your emails for mobile.
12% of email newsletters are. using responsive design
39% of companies do not have a mobile strategy in place

Moment Marketing

What’s the Moment Marketing?

Moment of truth in marketing, is the moment when a customer/user interacts with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression about that particular brand, product or service. In 2005 A.G. Lafley Chairman, President & CEO of Procter & Gamble coined two “Moments of Truth”. A third was introduced later.

82 percent of smartphone users use the devices to help make a product decision while they are shopping in store. An omnichannel approach will account for this using technology like beacons or geospatial data. These beacons enable brands to know when a prospect is in their store or nearby, allowing them to serve relevant content and offers to their smartphone, which may translate to an in-store purchase. These engagements are informed by real-time consumer needs. Harnessing moment-marketing through omnichannel engagements allow marketing teams to affect decisions instantly.

Here some topics concept to make the best decision regarding the right provider:

  • Deploy Customer Journey Mapping Tools
  • Incorporate Personalized Messaging
  • Putting the Pieces Together with Marketing Automation
  • Seize the time
  • Keep sales at the centre of your campaigns
  • Create event-led or occasion-specific communication
  • Ride the pop culture wave
  • Make use of existing memes or make your own
  • Stay true to your core brand message
  • Engage in banter
  • Put customers first
  • Don’t try too hard
  • To wrap up,
Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

Three highlights 

  • Customers are already part of the 24/7 news cycle, thanks to the immediacy and richness of content available today on demand.
  • Brands want to insert themselves into the daily onversations of their users and since people talk about trends, making use of these trends automatically removes the brands’ guess-work.
  • People are always plugged in and just a few taps away from finding and forwarding the latest content, be it a meme, a viral video, a social media post or a tweet. In fact, half of YouTube subscribers between the ages of 18 and 34 say they would drop whatever they were doing to watch a new video from their favorite channel.

Neuro Marketing

What’s the Neuro Marketing?

Neuromarketing is a commercial marketing communication field that applies neuropsychology to market research, studying consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective responses to marketing stimuli.

Neuroscience helps us marketers understand customers’ behavior by giving us deep insight into what works and what doesn’t in persuading our customers to buy a product or service.

Neuromarketing, the use of neuroscience principles for marketing, can help to boost your efforts to achieve massive benefits for your brand or organization.

Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

The following five neuromarketing principles, when put into practice, will boost your marketing and advertising campaigns.
The following five neuromarketing principles, when put into practice, will boost your marketing and advertising campaigns.

1. Familiarity, User Experience, and Content
“Most neuroscientists would agree that well over 90% of our behavior is generated outside of consciousness. We are more slaves to our biology than we realize. Our rational minds represent a very small layer floating atop a vast well of unconscious drivers. Business leaders who understand biological programming and can leverage it possess an enormous advantage,” explains neuroscience business expert Janet Crawford in an interview.

2. Reciprocity
People often feel obligated to pay back favors and debts, no matter how little, both because of societal norms and innate behavior. This phenomenon is termed reciprocity.

When somebody does something good for another, that other person often feels a desire to repay.

Applying this principle is simple: Give something of value to your customers without any stated expectation of getting something back.

3. The Scarcity Principle
It is typical of people to desire something they can’t have. Similarly, when a product or service is in short supply, potential buyers feel a sense of urgency to buy it before it becomes unavailable. This principle works both when there’s a supply scarcity and when a deadline limits access.

Research by Ratner and Zhu has found that when consumers have the impression that products are scarce, they discard their decision-making choices and gather more quantities of their favored product. However, when the consumer thinks that there’s a surplus of each product, the consumer branches out, getting both a number of the favored product and a varied collection of other available products.

4. From Flattery to Liking
There’s one thing that can regularly make the difference between a successful sale and a failed one: the liking effect. In short, people are more apt to say yes to a person (or to a product/service) if they like that person or offering.

One approach is flattery—using pleasing compliments—to persuade people to buy a product or service.

Flattery has been proven very effective in marketing. Elaine Chan and Jaideep Sengupta, professors of marketing at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, have found that even insincere flattery works in marketing.

5. ‘Anchoring’ for Boosting Conversion
Anchoring happens when people use an initial piece of information as the basis for making subsequent judgments. For your customer, the anchor is the point of reference against which all other products, offers, or prices are compared. Once the anchor is set, there is usually a bias toward that value.

An example of anchoring and adjustment as a sales technique would be if a used-car salesman (or any salesman) were to quote a very high price to start negotiations. Because the high price is the anchor, the final price will tend to be higher than if the car salesman had offered a fair or low price to start. There are many examples of the anchoring principle at work.

Businesses can make use of the anchoring effect in marketing to take advantage of this quirk in the human mind that has people making judgments based not on fundamental value but on impressions prejudiced by initial reference points—anchors.

Programmatic Advertising (RTB)

What’s the Programmatic Advertising (RTB)?

Programmatic marketing (or Real-Time Bidding) uses real time systems, rules and algorithms to automate the delivery of data driven, targeted and relevant experiences to consumers as they interact with a brand’s many touch points. The experiences include targeted offers, messages, content or ads across paid, owned and earned channels.

Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

The Challenge: The demand for performance-based campaigns is increasing, with the focus of display advertising programs shifting from impressions to conversions. Clients not only wanted customers to see an ad or click on it, they wanted them to take action. How could the number of conversions (people requesting a quote or booking a test drive) be increased?

We identify the right users who were more likely to take action after having seen the ad – users who had previously shown interest in the product. We fuelled the reach by adding users who have visited pages with the product content, and also used other contextual keyword targeting tools to compare the results.

Frequent optimization played a huge role in the delivery of efficient results. We monitored the performance of the campaign and optimized accordingly, including:

  • Recency: Consumers who would purchase the product were likely to be researching their purchase 60-90 days prior to their actual date of purchase so we increased the life of the cookie.
  • Frequency: We limited daily impression to 3 per user, to a total of 80 impressions per lifetime.
  • Bidding Strategy: We modified the bid based on how the segment was performing.

Reputation Marketing

What’s the Reputation Marketing?

The reputation marketing field has evolved from the marriage of the fields reputation management and brand marketing, and involves a brand’s reputation being vetted online in real-time by consumers leaving online reviews and citing experiences on social networking sites.

Which are the best players?

Best overall

Best for ultra-responsive customer support

Best for personal reputation management

Best for permanently removing false content

Best for getting reviews automatically

Best for legal and medical practices

Best for rebranding after reputation attacks

Best for getting Google and Facebook reviews

Best for knowing your competition’s reputation

Best for improving Yelp reviews

According to

Which benefits can you achieve?

Why Reputation Marketing Matters 
In today’s multichannel world, consumers actively seek information from all types of sources to guide their purchase decisions.

Better reviews and a positive brand reputation work strategically to help improve your influence, trustworthiness, and flexibility. At the end more sales.

Online reputation management statistics for 2022

  • 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Nearly 3 out of 4 consumers trust a company more if it has positive reviews.
  • 60% of consumers say that negative reviews made them not want to use a business.
  • 49% of consumers need at least a four-star rating before using a business.
  • Consumers read an average of 7 reviews before trusting a business.
  • 97% of consumers search online for local businesses. 12% of consumers do so on a daily basis.
  • Every additional one-star Yelp rating causes an increase in the business’s revenue as high as 9%.
  • Reviews that only gave 1 or 2 stars failed to convert 86% of prospective customers.
  • Americans report telling more people about poor service (15 people on average) than about good experiences (11).

Corporate social responsibility statistics

  • 92% of consumers have a more positive image of companies that support social issues and environmental efforts
  • 63% of the public would give socially responsible businesses the benefit of the doubt during a crisis
  • 87% will purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they cared about
  • 66% of consumers are willing to pay extra to patronize companies that are committed to CSR
  • 2X increase in trust when a company’s reputation score goes from average to excellent


General reputation marketing advice

  • Key takeaway: Always be proactive! Practice offense, not defense
  • Key takeaway: Not being on social media means missing opportunities. Period.
  • Key takeaway: Creating positive emotions & sentiments helps foster a positive reputation!
  • Key takeaway: Fix the problems that prompted the bad reviews at their sources.
  • Key takeaway: Be nice. Responding with negativity to something that’s already negative is a terrible idea and can easily backfire.

Reputation marketing takes time and research to get good at, but hopefully the experts quoted above have helped you understand some of the keys to doing it well. To recap, here are all of our key takeaways:


SEM-Pay Per Click Marketing

What’s the SEM-Pay Per Click Marketing?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While the industry term once referred to both organic search activities and paid, it now refers almost exclusively to paid search advertising.

SEM – also called PPC or Pay Per Click – campaigns give your business a boost by advertising your services on search engines, such as Google and Bing. You know those links that often come at the top of your search results, which say ‘Ad’ underneath and sometimes have star ratings? Those are PPC ads, and every time someone clicks on one, the business (that put up the ad) pays a fee, hence the name ‘pay per click’. The ads that you see on social networking sites are also often PPC ads, and in recent years have transformed the way that companies spend their advertising budgets. One advantage of PPC is that you get to spend as much as you’re willing to, so you can start small and grow your campaigns based on the feedback you get.

Basic concept and Glossary

Click-Through Rate
The click-through rate (CTR) is a measure of the effectiveness of your PPC campaign and is determined by dividing the number of clicks you receive by the number of impressions. CTR is also used to determine the quality score of a keyword. With high CTRs and quality scores, you can achieve a higher ad position at a lower cost.

This is an action that a user undertakes on your site, which you deem to be more valuable than them simply visiting and leaving. Often referred to as ‘goals’, conversions include fi lling in web forms, downloading ebooks, watching videos, following social network profiles, and, of course, making purchases.

Conversion Rate
The conversion rate is one way of evaluating the performance of your PPC campaign. It can be calculated at the keyword, ad, or landing page level, and is done by dividing the number of conversions by the number of clicks.

The term impression refers to an individual placement of an ad on a page, be it on a search engine or a social networking site.
An impression is an estimate of the number of people a particular advertisement is reaching. You can count it in different ways depending upon how the ad is situated on the page and the number of times the web page where the ad appears is shown. Ad reports list the number of impressions of the ad, which basically counts the number of times that the ad was served by the search engine when people searched for keywords related to the ad.

CPM stands for cost per thousand Impressions (the M is the Roman numeral abbreviation for 1,000). Actually, CPM is one of the most common ways of buying digital media. You essentially pay CPM every time your ad loads on a page or in an app.

CPC stands for cost-per-click advertising. Here the advertiser pays whenever people click on their ad. Some advertisers prefer to buy CPC versus CPM because they believe they only pay when someone is interested enough in the message to want more info.

CPL is short for cost per lead, meaning that the advertiser pays when a lead form is completed and submitted. Keep in mind that CPL is common in B2B marketing, where it is unlikely that someone will make a purchase immediately.

Cost per acquisition or cost per sale. Here the advertiser pays only if a purchase is made. This is a relatively low-risk way to buy media because the advertiser only pays when revenue is driven.

In mobile app marketing, CPI refers to media programs where the advertiser pays for every installed app. Lots of app marketing is purchased CPI because it is a fast way to drive installs.

Quality Score
A quality score is a rating of the relevance of your ads and is higher if you bid on terms that are relevant to your site. Your quality score also increases when you bid on keywords that are present on your landing page. Higher quality scores result in high ad positions, encouraging advertisers to only include relevant information and avoid spamming.

This acronym stands for Return on Ad Spend and is similar to ROI, as it is the revenue generated for each pound you spend on ads. It is sometimes used to compare the performance of two different advertising strategies. Understanding your ROAS can be very important when trying to understand the overall profitability of a given marketing strategy or campaign.

Most advertising platforms employ a bidding strategy for their adverts. That means that multiple advertisers will be bidding on a keyword, and the ones willing to pay the most will have their advert shown. Other factors like the quality of the advert and click-through rate also play a factor in this. But, it is important to understand that you are, in essence, entering an automated auction when deploying your budget for adverts.

Remarketing is a clever way to connect with visitors to your website who may not have made an immediate purchase or enquiry. It allows you to position targeted ads in front of a defined audience that had previously visited your website – as they browse elsewhere around the internet. Most of the time, this is on either Facebook or websites running Google adverts.


Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

PPC ads increase your visibility in a fast and effective way, and when used skillfully, can lead to much higher conversion rates.
Other benefits include building brand awareness, having clear, measurable targets, and being able to tailor your target audience for each ad. In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about using PPC for search engines, including AdWords. We will also go into detail about ads for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, then take a look at some statistics on click-through rates, and off er some guidance on common mistakes to avoid.

Semiotics Marketing

How is semiotics used in marketing?

How is semiotics used in marketing? 

Semiotic theories and methods can be used to identify trends in popular culture, to understand how consumer attitudes and behavior are formed in relation to popular culture, including brands, and how marketing and advertising programs can best meet the needs of consumers by improving communication with the end user.

Semiotic Analisys
semiotic analysis investigates elements of brand strategy, brand positioning, market and competitive evaluation, communications and advertising evaluation, creative development and product innovation.

What are the 3 types of semiotics?

  • Iconic signs: signs where the signifier resembles the signified, e.g., a picture.
  • Indexical Signs: signs where the signifier is caused by the signified, e.g., smoke signifies fire.
  • Denotation: the most basic or literal meaning of a sign, e.g., the word “rose” signifies a particular kind of flower.

What are the basic principles of semiotics?
Semiotics lays its focus on the meaning of human beings to the world and the other way around, and how meaning is generated and communicated by signs, especially linguistic and cultural signs, which may account for the fact that semiotics is now included in the category of philosophy, given its derivation from …Nov 10, 2018

Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

What are the basic principles of semiotics?
Semiotics lays its focus on the meaning of human beings to the world and the other way around, and how meaning is generated and communicated by signs, especially linguistic and cultural signs, which may account for the fact that semiotics is now included in the category of philosophy, given its derivation from ..

What are the four levels of semiotics?
The Semiotic Hierarchy, which distinguishes between four major levels in the organization of meaning: life, consciousness, sign function and language, where each of these, in this order, both rests on the previous level, and makes possible the attainment of the next.

What are the 6 semiotic modes?
6 Semiotic Modes (Chan & Chia, 2014 adapted from Anstey and Bull, 2010) includes: Linguistic, Audio, Spatial, Oral, Visual and Gestural.

Social Media Marketing

What’s the Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers.

Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

The benefits are only seen if all the information relating to the company, its customers, leads and the “Rumors” spread on the Internet are concentrated in a single platform and can be consulted in a structured way to make decisions, to plan interventions, to act on platform that disseminates the posts on selected social networks and to measure the effects of the interventions.

This types of platforms are called Social CRM.

Virtual Event Marketing

What’s the Virtual Event Marketing?

A virtual event, also known as an online event, virtual conference or livestream experience, is an event that involves people interacting in an online environment on the web, rather than meeting in a physical location.

49% of B2B marketers will host more than 20 virtual events in 2022.

Which are the best players?
Which benefits can you achieve?

Improving engagement with existing audiences
Virtual events are not just an alternative for traditional in-person events; they are also the impetus for a new way of
reaching new audiences and improving engagement with existing audiences.

Audience is global
The reach potential is exponentially greater than in person
because virtual events are not constrained by a specific location — your audience is global.

You can measure engagement
you can gather real-time data to analyze post-event to guide future events as well as smart, targeted marketing. This includes analyzing the chat to see who was talking about similar issues, how many participated in polls or games, which booths attendees visited, what discussion rooms or networking opportunities were most popular, and so on. Data points like these can help you determine what was successful and what you should utilize or repeat for future events, as well as areas that weren’t as popular or successful and how you can adjust to be more successful for your next event.

You can create specific discussion rooms
See what conversations are happening in the chat or identify questions that multiple attendees have asked and see which attendees are visiting certain virtual booths.

You can create multi-use content
For example, e-books and video libraries are great resources for those who could attend and offer a good way for those who could not to access the content.

Virtual events are generally cheaper (~ 25%)
You can create Hybrid events to connect the online and offline audiences.

The Speed Of Virtual Events
In the average 3 months against 1 year

For all of above… global virtual events market size grows at a combined annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.7% between 2021 and 2028.

Website Visitor Tracking & Web Analytics

What’s the Website Visitor Tracking & Web Analytics?

Web analytics is essential to have, it is essential to dedicate at least 30 minutes to it every day to identify which is the weakest point of your inbound marketing strategy today and plan immediate action and open a backlog for resolving action.

Everyone “knows” (thinks they know) GA, Google Analytics because it’s incredibly vast, free and so generalized that it’s good for any type of skill level. But we know very few people who know how to handle it with ease and manage to get out what they really need.

For these reasons, we don’t use it daily but only when we don’t have a better alternative from other tools or when we want to get a second opinion.

For some years we have been using a free tool daily for the majority of our customers (but there is the very valid PRO version) whose reports arrive directly on the CRM and also by email to our customer .
He will have a summary of immediate and intuitive understanding of the trend compared to the day before, compared to the previous week, compared to the previous month.

It provides tracking data and can also be in real time, therefore valid for online support and web chatting

For larger clients who do not settle easily because they want an overview as well as detailed and for them it is vitally important to meet their annual budgets then we use

A web visitors tracking tool tracks people who visit your website and provides valuable information about users’ behavior.

Website visitor tracking tools work by embedding a script on your site that collects data directly from visitors. The software will do the rest of the work and give you information about your website visitors.
User tracking is lawful, but to maintain compliance, websites must have full oversight

Which are the best players?

Tools organized per 3 different types

  • How visitors interact with your site, e.g., the buttons they click, the web pages they visit, and the flows they go through.
  • Key stats and metrics about your site’s traffic, like pageviews, bounce rates, traffic sources, and audience demographics.
  • The companies visiting your site and their behavior

3 tools for tracking user behavior on your website
The tools in this category help you analyze how users interact with your site — which buttons they click, which pages they visit, where they drop-off, and much more.
Behavior tracking can give you a nuanced and detailed view of the entire customer journey, which is paramount for improving your site’s UX and conversion rates.

3 traditional website analytics tools
Traditional website analytics tools provide an aggregate view of your site’s traffic, with a focus on stats and metrics like sessions, bounce rate, time on page, and more.
While they lack qualitative analytics features (like session recordings and pop-up surveys), they have many useful reports and dashboards for analyzing website traffic, uncovering how visitors come to your site, visualizing key performance indicators (KPIs), and more.

3 tools for website visitor identification
Visitor identification tools help website owners identify which companies are visiting their site.
These tools use various techniques (like analyzing IP addresses with reverse DNS lookups) to find out details about the prospects visiting your site. This information is useful for B2B companies that want to target specific businesses with their sales and marketing efforts.

In addition to visitor identification, most of these tools can help you analyze how leads engage with your content, as well as segment leads based on individual, behavioral, and demographic data. These capabilities can be beneficial for B2B sales reps, marketing teams, and customer success professionals.

visitor identification tools integrated with CRMs (Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho), as well as other marketing and sales automation solutions.


Website Visitor Tracking: How to Use + 21 Best Free Tools in 2022

1- Website Visitor Behavior Tracking

2- Website Visitor Identification

3- Website Visitor Tracking Tools to Measure Performance

4- Website Analytics


starting more than 5 years and we still like them two below and we use Google Analytics very rareliy

Which benefits can you achieve?

Website visitor tracking has many benefits for your business. We’re going to review the most important ones here. 

User behavior analysis evaluates how visitors use a website and allows its owners to adapt their site to provide the best possible experience for the consumer.

  1. Website Visitor Tracking Improves Lead Generation and the Sales Process
  2. Website Visitor Tracking Results in Better Lead Quality
  3. Website Visitor Tracking Helps you Close More Deals
Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by admin