Altos Web Solutions, inc. – 5725 Bravo Ave, Reno, NV 89506 USA

About Us

We believe that the traditional customer / supplier relationship does not lead to business success.
AWS was established in Nevada in 2017 with the aim of demonstrating to ourselves that it is possible to grow with a business model that respects the following vision:

  • no more consulting services provided and received
  • developing the business together with the client as if we were shareholders or thinking of becoming one, thus sharing the business risk and therefore also the fruits of success to the extent desired by the client and in the time that makes sense for the client. Even if the commitment were only for one day, we would like at least a percentage of the payment to be based on the performance of the results obtained or the KPIs that measure it. So not only the win-win concept, but also “lost-lost” as if we were in the same boat and thus share the fortunes for better or for worse. This mantra is always possible with so-called strategic clients. It would not seem possible in the one-time online sale of a customer living in a remote Pacific island with only 30,000 inhabitants! But in the latter case, our behavior must be as if he were a stakeholder too!

We look for our strategic suppliers among those who are willing to share this vision and I believe that, although few, we have found them.
Like us, they too shared an economic relationship in which their respective fees, markups, and costs are totally transparent. So we are truly stakeholders who focus on the concept of transparency as a lasting and effective business key.

We have verified that what the gurus of long-tail business models (typically based on the Internet world) say works in any case and the relationship is prolonged over time, always fresh and stainless will bring results with mutual satisfaction in the medium and long term.

We believe in the mantra of Jack Ma (the billionaire founder of Alibaba) “Third, we pay attention to companies that in the next 30 years have fewer than 30 employees, under 30 yo, so we can make the world much better”.

We believe it is true … but I would add: that the employees come or live from 30 different countries that cover all continents and that they have 30 different skills, because the market is very large but also much poorer, so the global competition is absolutely hard. And if “the customer is King” (Andrew Lee – Mortimer, The TQM Magazine, ISSN: 0954-478X, Article publication date: January 1, 1991) we must capture his desires by taking care of every little detail.

At AWS, we’re working on it so hard, in fact…

  • We have sold in 118 out of 193 countries (UN members).
  • We have an office in Nevada (USA), we have an office in Milan (Italy), and we have a development team in Tirana (Albania).
  • Our team members reside or come from 4 different continents (North and South America, Asia (developing countries, developed countries), Europe (EU and non-EU countries), and Africa (Northern and Subequatorial countries) …we miss Australia!
  • We have technicians and experts to cover the Microsoft world and the Linux world.
  • Our specialists have different skills (ie. TL, Team Leader; DQAM, Data Quality Assurance Manager; CTO, Chief Technology Officer; Devops; DBM, Data Base Manager; CHRO, Chief Human Resource Officer; CAO, Chief Accounting Officer; CFO, Chief Finance Officer; CMO, Chief Marketing Officer; CISO, Chief Information Security Officer; CSO, Customer Satisfaction Officer; CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager; DPO, Data Protection Officer; OSM, Online Sales Manager; QAO, Quality Assurance Officer; TMM, Territorial Marketing Manager; PM, Project Manager, Localized Web Writer; Junior, Intermediate, Senior Front-end, and Back-end developers).
  • The average age is just over 30 years old.
  • We are less than 30 employees, but then not much less!
  • We hope to certify ourselves as a B-corp someday (Https://!

For all of this, we can integrate with our partners to ensure that the joint venture (temporary or equity) has all the credentials to target the mission of AWS and our customers.

We have already established joint ventures based on this vision with some companies whose websites are:,, and

The services and solutions that are part of our portfolio are essentially in the creation and sale of services through e-commerce and in the improvement of company business performance (Digital Innovation, Company Transformation).

Among these stand out:

  • Development of Plugins for WooCommerce and WordPress,
  • Web Design & Development,
  • Digital Marketing,
  • Support Tools and Methodologies for decision-makers,
  • Online Customer Service and Online Sales,
  • Data Quality,
  • Platforms and Infrastructure Administration,
  • Blockchain Technologies,
  • Customization of CRM environments (vTiger),
  • PHPRunner integration with other environments,
  • Secure Document Exchange,
  • EU GDPR Solutions,
  • Human Resources Management (Recruitment and Body Renting),
  • High-security solutions for Large Corporations including Mission Assurance,
  • Management of Large Software Projects,
  • Offshoring, spin-offs, and startups.

Usually, the software we develop and we own is mostly under the GNU GPL free open source license.
Generally speaking, the source code cannot be considered an asset for those who do not have the appropriate platforms, the organization adequately structured, and complete the know-how.
Our development method is based on elementary work items in which the entire project is dismembered. Only the person responsible for integration and beta testing is able to have a clear overview.
In conclusion, even if you work quickly and economically, these development measures ensure that the software product is not very usable by competitors.

However, we are able to protect software and customer data extremely rigorously using the same standards adopted by military industries.

The HR world we have adopted is the so-called “Hybrid World”, which is made up of full-time and part-time resources. The resources can be employed with regular contracts or freelance or Citizen Developers. Everyone can work remotely or on-site at their discretion.

80% of the turnover is generated by four businesses (in order).

  • Software Project Management including Human Resource Management;
  • Offshoring, Start-ups, Spin-offs, and Joint-ventures;
  • Online Sales with Online Customer Care;
  • Full-stack Website Development.

The most important platforms we use are Plesk (Web Application Hosting Management), Microsoft Azure (Software Project Management), WordPress (CMS, Content Management System), and vTiger (CRM, Customer Relationship Management).

Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin