P0913 – #Senior (virtual) ** QAO, Quality Assurance Officer
Job Description The QA Officer is a key appointment in the Examinations Team and takes a lead in the development, implementation, monitoring and review of QA procedures. The QA Officer is also responsible for ensuring the administration and accurate and appropriate recording and storage of QA records and associated documentation. Experience: greater than 4 years […]
P0822 – #Senior ** PHP Back end Developer
Job Skill Java Python PHP Knowledge of Popular Frameworks Data Structures and Algorithms Databases and Cache MYSQL HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Familiarity with Servers Knowledge of APIs Plesk Platform MS Azure MS Excel MS Word Problem-solving Good communication and interpersonal skills Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role And Must have Good English level […]
P0819 – #Senior (citizen developer, virtual) ** Mobile App Developer
Skill Programming language skills Computer proficiency Back-end computing User interface (UI) design Cross-platform development skills Cybersecurity skills Product management skills Internet of things (IoT) skills Agile development Business skills Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role And Must have Good English level (C2) Send your CV via webform to the link altos.services/contact_us Pictures is […]
P0650 – #Senior (virtual) ** DPO, Data Protection Officer
Job Description The primary role of the data protection officer (DPO) is to ensure that her organisation processes the personal data of its staff, customers, providers or any other individuals (also referred to as data subjects) in compliance with the applicable data protection rules. Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role And Must have […]
P0450 – #Senior ** Dot net Core Developer
Job Skill Angular Java C# SQL Server Visual Studio Agile/Scrum Microsoft Azure MS Word MS Excel Must have Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role Good English level (C2) Send your CV via webform to the link altos.services/contact_us Pictures is mandatory Do not forget to write the position Code you are interested on What […]
P0425 – #Senior (virtual) ** Devops Engineer
Job Description DevOps is a series of practices and processes that are intended to speed up and automate aspects of the processes of developing, testing and releasing software, allowing for the continuous delivery of software and software updates. The role of a devOps engineer combines aspects of a technical role and an IT operations role. […]
P0295 – #Senior (virtual) ** CVO, Chief Visionary Officer
Job Description The Chief Visionary Officer is a newer C-suite title where the holder is expected to have a broad and comprehensive knowledge of all matters related to the business of the organization, as well as the vision required to steer its course into the future. Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role And […]
P0263 – #Senior (virtual) ** CAO, Chief Accounting Officer
Job Description CAOs oversees the organization’s ledger and financial accounts, cost controls, and other financial reporting and auditing functions. They work closely with the chief financial officer (CFO) to report on financial operations and analyze the impact that important business decisions will have on the company’s finances. Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role […]
P2907 – #Senior ** CTO, Chief Technical Officer
Job Description The CTO makes all executive decisions with regard to the technological interests of a company. They are responsible for outlining the company’s technological vision, implementing technology strategies, and ensuring that the technological resources are aligned with the company’s business needs. Experience: greater than 4 years for compatible role And Must have Good English […]
P2778 – #Senior (citizen developer, virtual) ** Excel Specialist
Job Skill MS Excel MS Word Macro VBA Mathematics Statistics OR (operative Research) financial mathematics mathematical methods of optimization Must have Experience: No less than 3 years Good English level (C2) University Degree not after 2018 Send your CV via webform to the link altos.services/contact_us Pictures is mandatory Do not forget to write the position […]